

  1. Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year's work of the students, hence the importance of regularity in work, attendance and Parent-Teacher contacts.
  2. Besides regular class tests, the school conducts three main examinations, tentatively in August, November and March.
  3. The criterion for promotion is the average of the three examinations and particularly the performance of the students at the final examination held at the end of the academic year.
  4. Normally no student will be allowed to appear for the final examination if she does not put in 90% attendance in Classes K.G. to VIII.
  5. If a candidate fails to appear in both Half Yearly and Annual Examination (even on medical grounds) she will be treated as detained.
  6. The minimum pass marks in each subject is 36% for classes K.G. to VIII, 33% for class IX and X. There will be grading system in K.G. and Primary in certain subjects.
  7. Students who use unfair means during tests and examination will be given zero in the subjects. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
  8. Students who fail twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue in the school.
  9. Children who are ill or are recovering from an illness should not be sent for a Test/Examination. Their general performance in the subject will be taken into account. There will be no anticipation or postponement of any written Exam.