
News & Events

EXCURSION 2019 -2020

According to Francis Bacon travelling is a part of education. An excursion is not just a pleasure trip; it enhances the knowledge of the students beyond the four walls of the classroom. To provide such an enriching experience to students an annual excursion was organized for the students of classes XI & XII in the first week of October i.e 29th Sep. to 4th Oct. 2019 students were taken to Amritsar and Chandigarh. It was to provide them solace and help them form an escape route from the tedium of their nerve wrecking hectic schedule of activities. Their visit to Golden Temple and Wagha Border were enjoyed by them. Students were mesmerized by the panoramic view and the peace that prevail over there. Their visit to the Jallianwala Bagh filled them  with the feeling of patriotism and pride. They developed love for nature and got real happiness when they got a chance to visit Penjour Garden and Sukhna Lake. Sightseeing and shopping enrolled them all to such an extent that it reviewed their fatigued spirits. In totality it was a fun filled enjoyable and a memorable trip for them.

September 29, 2019


The feast day of our principal Sr. Leena was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. The day began with a prayer service. Teachers expressed their affection by offering prayers, singing feast songs and presenting cards and bouquets.

September 23, 2019


Students of class VIII B organized a special assembly on the occasion of Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Through their assembly they highlighted that 14th Sep. 2019 is celebrated as the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Cross is the ultimate symbol of Christ love, victory, humility and sacrifice. Jesus Christ gave his life for mankind and asked God to forgive those who were his prosecutors. This shows that He is the ultimate epitome of love. M.S.A Sisters truly reflects the values of cross through their vocation. They have made the cross shine on the barren hills of Rajasthan through female education and social work. The students emphasised that it is their privilege to be a small part of their glorious journey.

September 13, 2019


The birth of a girl child is a celebration in itself. Saving the girl child is like saving the whole mankind. So, on 7th September 2019, the school authorities organized a special seminar to celebrate the  value and respect of girl child. The seminar started with a special assembly conducted by the students of class VIII C. It was followed by a speech by Mrs. Poonam, Mrs. Sapna and Mrs. Dolly. The teachers gave important and useful tips to maintain and regulate life properly. The seminar came to an end by a motivational speech by our Sister principal. The students came forward and expressed their views which was followed by the students taking an oath to stay hygiene, stay away from mobile phones and to be proud of being a girl.

In the primary section a  special assembly was conducted by the students of class V – B. Students inspired all giving examples of highly empowered Indian women.

September 07, 2019


The feast day of Sr. Seema was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. The day began with a prayer service. Teachers expressed their affection by offering prayers, singing feast songs and presenting cards and bouquets.

September 07, 2019


It is rightly said that “ Girls are no less than men.” On 6 September 2019 Friday a special seminar on girl child was conducted in the school campus. The seminar was a motivating one. It began with a meaningful prayer service by class IX A followed by some heart touching video clips and  welcoming of the special guest Dr. Shefali Dadhich, an ex-Sophian and an experienced gynecologist by Sr. Principal. She had an inspirational talk with the students of classes IX to XII. She laid emphasis on the problems faced by present day girls. She also encourages the students to have a goal in life and chose it tirelessly and advised them to listen to their elders especially their teachers and parents. It was truly an enlightening and memorable day which made them realize the strength of girls.

September 06, 2019


“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instill love for learning.”

Management Day and Teacher’s Day was celebrated with great fun and enthusiasm on 5th September 2019. A special assembly was conducted followed by dance and came to an end with a beautiful song dedicated to the sisters and teachers as a token of gratitude. The principal Rev. Sr. Leena addressed all the teachers with her inspiring words. She thanked all the teachers for their diligence, sincerity and hard work.

Teachers indulged in fun filled activities that marked the celebration. They sang, danced and played together creating memories to cherish forever. They day came to an end with the scrumptious lunch hosted by the school.

September 05, 2019


Water is the most precious gift of nature. It is an essential components of life and is vital for sustenance, without water nothing can live, thus water conservation has become a need of the hour. So, we should all stand together to conserve water to save life.

Spreading this message to save water, students of class VIII C presented a class assembly on 3rd Sep. 2019. Students highlighted some amazing facts about water and urged others  never waste it.

Students conducted a small rally ‘Pani Bin Jeevan Nahi’ to motivate audience to join the mission of saving water.

September 03, 2019